Monday 29 October 2012


Hey ho,

I have been on a journey of discovery, looking introspectively at what makes me tick, and what I want from the future.

It is very simple, I am scared of not having enough money to survive on in old age and I am 48.
Thus, my epiphany is a vision of hard facts, i.e. not enough money in retirement, coupled with the emotional drain of worrying about every body else and their needs, especially financially.

Motivation came today from a blogger who really can put things into perspective. see....

The vision of the future can be really scary and must be tempered with the here and now of the daily grind.But I am a practical person who likes to get things done, thus there is no point in self-pity, just set a goal....

I have decided to aim at 55 as a maximum retirement age. This may come to fruition if I plan the exercise. Here goes:.....

I am current 48 years and xxx days in age. Thus, I have 64 + 2190 days until I retire - total 2254.

My goal, to have £1000 per month minimum income per, month for my remaining years from the age of 55.

Thus, I must attempt to secure £25 per day between now and then, the clock is ticking.

My eureka moment happened not in an instant, but from long and thoughtful contemplation of what can I do for others, not 'what is in it for me'. I have discovered that my vision of self actualisation comes from pleasing others though social actions, not through financial interactions that realise a gain, i.e. the interactions you have in a typical place of work, doing, fetching, making,communicating for a boss or company. this does not give self actualisation only a salary.

What am I going to do? let's talk money.

2254 days until I want to leave my job, x £25 target per day savings, = 56350.
With interest at 3.01% this means I accumulate approx. £60201.
OK it is a start.

I will continue to do the maths, but I am determined that even if my calculations go awry, and my calculations are all wrong, then I will have to adapt to either earn or save more.

Note -bear with me, the calculation's come later...

The other part of this double-header is the emotional want of pleasing others.
This will take time, but I guess i am over the hard bit, what is it I want to do - serve others for the greater good of the community..... talk soon x

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